Frequently asked questions
You may have questions about our insulation technology. We can answer many questions and queries about our technology and network with our frequently asked questions.
You can also e-mail us your question if it’s not in the FAQ section below, and we’ll be happy to answer it.
About our insulation technology
Inject-Styrene Technologie offers a cost-effective, non-demolition insulation technology. Although different, this technology allows you to insulate your walls without having to carry out major renovations to your building. We make 25mm holes in the walls to avoid removing all the cladding.
Where do we inject the polystyrene microbeads?
In air gaps larger than 2 cm, where the materials are in good condition and show no signs of moisture or mould. Ecobill MD® is the most effective insulation for wall injection. (Walls, ceilings, floors, cathedral ceilings, etc.).
Ask your professional for advice.
Is it expensive?
No, despite the fact that Ecobill MD® insulation is priced roughly in the same range as urethane foam, Ecobill MD® requires no construction or demolition, and very little preparation.
When Ecobill® insulation can be blown in, the cost of insulation work is only a fraction of the FRACTION OF THE COST than with older methods requiring demolition.
Is this technology eligible for the renovation assistance program?
Yes, including Rénoclimat from Transition Énergétique Québec.
You can check current subsidies on the Subsidy Program page.
Is this technology deductible from my income?
Yes, within the framework of the legal provisions in force and with supporting invoices, it is possible for a company to deduct renovation costs.
How much energy will I save?
For a 5 cm air gap in exterior walls, you’ll save up to 30% of your energy consumption, and about the same for underslopes or between floors and ceilings, if the air gaps are greater than or equal to 7 cm.
Are there any fumes?
No, Écobill MD® is classified A+ (PV Véritas). When injected behind thin walls of plaster or wood (panelling), there may be a slight odour at the time of injection, but nothing harmful.
Product classified as non-hazardous under the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).
Do I need a vapour barrier to qualify for this technology?
Normally yes, its function is to eliminate the migration of moisture from indoor air caused by our daily activities to the inside of the walls.
Moisture then condenses in the wooden structure, damaging the materials and causing rot, mildew and odors. But it always depends on the case.
However, if a vapour barrier is recommended, the application of a vapour-barrier paint or liquid coating will be just as effective as a conventional vapour barrier.
Ecobill MD® is one of the most vapor-permeable insulation materials available. Dont dry out quickly without retaining water.
Do we make a lot of holes in the walls?
The holes should be made approximately 45 cm from the furthest parts to be filled, giving a spacing of 0.90 m in the middle of the panels. The holes are 22 mm in diameter.
Does this technology retain moisture?
The molecular structure of the insulation, combined with its high resistance to water, allows water to be easily evacuated.
Ecobill® insulation is highly vapor permeable. As a result, water and moisture do not accumulate inside the insulation and dry out quickly.
Are there withdrawals after insulation?
Absolutely none, as the filling, once carried out, remains constant to the millimetre.
Once expanded, EPS microbeads are inert. Écobill MD® is stable over time.
What size are the injection holes?
The holes are 22 mm in diameter.
How can we be sure that the wall is filled with insulation?
Filling is controlled by checking the location of the injection holes, since filling takes place at a 0.50 m radius from an injection hole, starting from the outside and following all the shapes circumscribed within this periphery, it is impossible not to fill if the hole pattern is correct.
The injection gun stops automatically when the bulkhead is full.
Should the insulation be injected from the outside or the inside?
Both, as long as the blown-in insulation is in a wall forming part of the load-bearing structure, and not behind a rainscreen or exterior cladding (vinyl, canexel, brick, stone). However, insulating from the inside is much easier for workers.
In addition, we strongly recommend applying a vapour-barrier primer as an undercoat and repainting interior walls to prevent moisture migration into the walls. Whether you insulate from the outside or the inside!
Isn't external insulation better?
Certainly, but it costs 4 to 8 times more. What’s more, if there’s still an air space in the walls, insulation from the outside loses 20% of its effectiveness because it’s difficult to eliminate all air infiltration into this air space, cooling your interior walls.
Do you do a lot of damage?
No, the injection holes are drilled using an EPA-equipped vacuum drill designed to filter out the smallest dust particles.
However, it is advisable to cover furniture and objects to ensure maximum protection. It is also possible to fill the holes immediately after injection.
After finishing with plaster or wooden dowels, all that’s left to do is paint. Particular attention is paid to the location of the holes to minimize their appearance.
Is this a miracle process for my insulation?
No, it’s just a process which, if applied correctly and used exclusively for its intended purpose, will produce excellent results and offer many advantages over the insulating materials used to date.
Here’s how: polystyrene microbeads are 98% air and only 2% matter. Carried by a powerful flow of air during injection, EPS microbeads weave their way throughout the wall, reaching any space where air can circulate. The binder sprayed onto each microbead during injection agglomerates the whole and sets in some time. Physical, not miraculous!
About insulating products
Inject-Styrene Technologie offers a microbead injection insulation technology. Our insulating materials, made from recycled polystyrene, ensure complete insulation without demolition.
What are polystyrene microbeads?
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a honeycomb-structured plastic with a maximum diameter of 2 to 3 millimeters.
98% air, only 2% material. Chemically inert, long-lasting and non-irritating, it requires no special precautions during application.
How is Ecobill MD® environmentally friendly?
On several levels.
Firstly, the manufacture of simple EPS polystyrene beads consumes few natural resources (98% air and 2% materials) and requires little energy for its production. Microbeads are steam-expanded and chemically inert. Environmentally friendly.
Secondly, we divert post-consumer polystyrene from landfill for use in our blown-in insulation products. Between 25% and 50% recycled material is used to make high-performance blown insulation. Significantly improving theenergy efficiency of existing buildings without demolition, ZERO construction waste. It would be possible to recover over 4,000 tonnes of ESP polystyrene/year to insulate buildings constructed before 1960.
Thirdly, Écobill MD® does not contaminate materials in contact with it. It is easy to remove and 100% recyclable. It can even be reused up to 2 times in the polystyrene insulation injection system without altering its effectiveness.
Is Écobill MD® recognized by professionals?
Yes, more and more construction professionals are recommending it, including contractors, architects and energy efficiency specialists. Both for its thermal efficiency, its economic value and its low ecological footprint.
Écobill MD® meets the demands of renovation.
Is it a good thermal insulator?
Yes, in fact, expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a very good thermal insulator. The thermal value of Écobill MD® varies from R-3.87/pc to R-4.3/pc, depending on the type of product.
Is polystyrene flammable?
Yes, it’s the same EPS expanded polystyrene used to manufacture rigid expanded polystyrene panels. It must be covered or injected behind a fire-resistant lining (gypsum, wood).
Ecobill MD® contains no HCFCs or HFCs that damage the ozone layer.
Does the insulation swell during injection?
No, once expanded, polystyrene microbeads (EPS) remain stable over time. Agglomeration is done by In-Situ contact points.
No swelling or shrinkage.
Is insulation a good sound insulator?
No, microbead insulation is not a good sound insulator.
Does the insulation resist compression?
No, the quantity of glue used to agglomerate it is too small for that. Once dried, the expanded polystyrene (EPS) microbeads are bonded at contact points to hold the insulation in place. You can carefully cut a hole in a wall without emptying it, and remove only the insulation you need if necessary.
If required, more binder can be added to the injection to improve its compressive strength.
In a partition, Ecobill MD® remains rigid and flexible, but brittle.
Does polystyrene provide soundproofing or acoustic insulation?
It provides a plus in sound absorption, especially for airborne noise (music, conversation, everyday life…), but is not as effective as other insulators.
It is more effective in sound absorption: it attenuates echoes in treated rooms.
Is it hydrophilic or capillary?
Absolutely not; the agglomerate is unaffected by water, the EPS expanded polystyrene microbeads are bonded at the point of contact and offer the advantage of draining water vertically, but never horizontally. Ecobill MD® is the only injected material that is neither capillary nor hydrophilic.
Hydrophilic: Absorbent, water-loving or water-absorbing. Materials that retain water are said to be hydrophilic.
Capillary: The property of a material that becomes charged with liquid water on contact by suction.
Is the insulation corrosive?
No, not even oxidizing. It does not cause damp or mildew.
Does insulation attract rashes?
No, without being repellent, EPS polystyrene does not encourage rodents.